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Our shipbuilders in Paris
In France in Paris-Le-Burget is held the 21st International Naval Defense and Maritime Exhibition and Conference Euronaval 2008. This is the leading international trade fair that receives countries producing naval equipment and weapons demonstrating their achievements in construction of surface ships and submarines, aircrafts and on-board systems, weapons and engines, surface and underwater service equipment, safety and nautical navigation means as well as control and communication suits. Euronaval is traditionally recognized exhibition of worldwide trend of development of naval equipment and weapons.

In 2006 Le Bourget was represented by 292 companies from 25 countries. Exposition booths and sites were attended by over 28000 people from 78 countries including 31 official delegations.
Euronaval 2008 sponsored by French Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Transport is expected to be no less fruitful than the previous one. Products and services in here are represented by near 300 companies from almost three dozens of countries.
Russia participates in this exhibition for the sixth time already. Federal state unitary enterprise Rosoboronexport represents our country along with other companies of Russian defense industry such as Maritime Research and Development Institute of Radioelectronics Altair, Central Maritime Design Bureau Almaz, Group Company Granit-Electron, Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering, Admiralty Yards, Zelenodolsk Planning and Design Bureau, Science and Production Association Aurora, Northern Planning and Design Bureau, Central Research and Development Institute of Academician A.N. Krylov.
At Rosoboronexport’s exposition booth the experts and visitors of Eironaval 2008 can be acquainted with the materials on best samples of weapons and maritime equipment produced by Russian defense industry. These are missile, patrol and amphibious ships and boats, coast defense ships, submarines, torpedoes, mines, missiles and coastal surveillance systems.
Expert analysis of world market conjuncture bears evidence of possible sales of 30-40 non-nuclear submarines worldwide by 2015. Export potential of Russia in this sector is quite high thanks to submarines of project 636 and submarines of Amur class (see picture). For instance Amur-1650 is a modern diesel-electric submarine. It has low noise level and 45 days of cruising capacity. Its distinctive feature is the ability to deliver salvo missile hits against underwater and land-based targets. The main assault weapon of this submarine is up-to-date integrated missile system Club-S. Apart from missiles submarine’s arsenal includes torpedoes and mines.
Nowadays the most demanded type of surface ships at the world market is a frigate. Made in Russia multipurpose frigate of project 11661 Gepard-3.9 is designated for search and kill of surface, underwater and air target. The frigate can operate both independently and within group, carry out patrol duty, border and trade zone surveillance. Stealth technologies applied in the updated Gepard-3.9.
Frigate of project 11356 is capable to conduct warfare in offshore zones and open oceans both independently and as a part of a squadron. It could be effectively used against surface and underwater targets, deal with air attacks, perform escort and patrol duties. Frigate of this type is now commissioned for Indian Navy and already showed herself to good advantage.
The greater part of exported ships is made up by corvettes. Their acquisition objection at the world market will amount up to 50 units by the year of 2015. To foreign customers Rosoboronexport offers corvette of project 20382. Similar project ship Stereguschiy is already constructed for the Russian Navy and lately has successfully passed performance trials. The ship implements the newest achievements with regard to design of hull and upperworks structure, weapons and equipment. This corvette marks a new epoch in the Russian shipbuilding.
Russia in particular is in the lead in construction of motor boats of projects 183R and 205RE that caused revolution in naval science demonstrating the fact the minor crafts can change the maritime operations.
The Russian industry has developed new guided missile boats of project 12300 Skorpion and patrol boat of project 20970 Katran. They are designated for elimination of enemy combat surface ships, motor boats, and transports acting both independently and as a part of task groups.
The new page in shipbuilding has become guided missile twin-hull air-cushion ship of project 1239 Sivuch. It makes up to 45 knots on the water and capable to use its ordnance at scale 5 storm. There are no more similar crafts in the world with such performance characteristics.
Mine warfare ships, amphibious ships and boats including air-cushioned ones are still in demand. Export potential of these ships at the world market in the nearest future will amount up to 100 units. Meeting the demands of eventual foreign buyers Russian designers and manufacturers present at the exhibition amphibious ships of projects 12322 Zubr and 12061E Murena-E, mine-sweeper class is represented by type Vice-Admiral Zakharyin.
Air-cushion amphibious ship of project 12322 Zubr is a must have craft for transporting and landing of spearhead marine troops and equipment at shores of any kind as well as for mine laying purposes. The ship is capable to transport three tanks with total weight up to 131 tons or 140 marines and 10 armored trucks with gross weight up to 115 tons. With maximum load it can make 60 knots at a range of 400 nautical miles. As for the cargo capacity, travel speed, and landing capabilities of troops and equipment this amphibious ship has no competitors in the world.
Assault boat of project 12061E Murena-E is designed for transportation and landing of equipment, troops and loads with total weight up to 40 tons. At a speed of 50 knots it easily moves across the shallows, bars, sand banks, swamps and plant-filled waters.
Until the year of 2010 high demand is expected for patrol boats with water displacement from 20 to 200 tons. The demand in such crafts at the markets of Middle East, Southeast Asia and Latin America only is estimated in over than 400 units. The companies of Russian defense industry in this sector have a wide supply for their foreign customers. Today combat patrol boat is not simply a high-speed small-sized waterborne crafts able to deliver fire. This is also sophisticated electrical and technological system that can give a hundred percent guarantee of accomplishment of the assigned objectives.
Unrivaled achievement of Russian science and shipbuilding can be considered patrol boat of project 14310 Mirazh. Its distinctive feature is high speed and outstanding seakeeping qualities ensured by installed set of controlled interceptors. This craft also has no competitors.
The distinctive features of patrol boats of projects 10410 and 10412 Svetlyak became optimal hull lines and automated diesel power plant. This made possible to gain high speed (up to 30 knots) and operational range of 2 500 nautical miles. Present time these boats are in the inventory of Russian FSB Frontier Service.
Russia used to be, it remains now and will continue be one of shipbuilding leaders capable to build fighting ships of all classes and equip them with all type of naval arms. For the fifty years of military technical partnership with foreign countries our country have exported over two thousand of surface ships of major classes and non-nuclear submarines and in this sector Russia is not intended to give ground.
The first deputy director of Rosoboronexport Ivan Goncharenko in his interview to Krasnaya Zvezda described the main trends of Russian naval and maritime products promotion at the export market.
”It is known fact that shipbuilding is quite specific segment of industry. The stages of ships design, construction and operation can stretch for decades. It has its impact on export of such equipment. It is encouraging that at such complicated field Russia scored major success.
At last year-end naval and maritime component is the contracts of our company made up near 600 million US dollars (not including spares delivery) or in other words 9 percent. To date with regard to the orders at hand with various performance periods they exceed 5 billion US dollars.
It should be noted that governmental defense order to the native shipbuilders is increasing year after year. Should previously the export deliveries were struggled for as they were considered the only way for the company survival then today governmental orders ensure our future as well. Anyway all this has no impact on effective performance of our liabilities to foreign partners.
It should be noted that the geography of Russian naval and maritime gear supply is expanding. Should India and China used to be the main partners of Russia then now the scope of supply to Vietnam, Algeria, Venezuela, countries of Middle East, and Africa is increasing constantly. At the international market we offer surface ships, frigates, corvettes, high-speed boats, and air-cushion ships.
It is worthwhile to say that today Rosoboronexport conjointly with foreign companies performs engineering, design and other works to the benefit of third countries. This is the peculiarity of modern weaponry market".
Translation: RusNavy.com