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History of votings
11/12/2009 23:57:52 - 01/27/2010 23:57:52Votes: 266
01/28/2010 23:57:53 - 03/01/2010 13:57:53Votes: 145
[ Results ]Is there any connection between Russian Navy's development rates and Olympic results? [ not active ]03/01/2010 13:58:54 - 03/20/2010 23:57:54Votes: 63
03/20/2010 23:41:03 - 04/27/2010 23:41:03Votes: 139
04/27/2010 23:41:04 - 06/03/2010 23:41:04Votes: 330
06/03/2010 23:41:05 - 08/23/2010 13:41:05Votes: 592
08/23/2010 13:41:06 - 11/07/2010 01:37:00Votes: 292
[ Results ]What impact do you think recent sea trials of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya would have on Russia's global arms exporter reputation? [ not active ]10/19/2012 00:00:00 - 12/12/2013 00:24:45Votes: 3801
12/12/2013 00:24:46 - 12/12/2015 00:24:46Votes: 3532