Russian Navy

Russian Navy's Task Unit Deploys in Mediterranean

Russian Navy's Task Unit Deploys in Mediterranean 24.08.2012
Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Russian Navy tactical group comprising Baltic Fleet (BF) frigates Neustrashimy and Yaroslav Mudry, and Black Sea Fleet (BSF) replenishment oiler Ivan Bubnov on Aug 23 began accomplishing tasks of forward presence in the Mediterranean Sea.

In accordance with plans, the ships will hold a number of tactical drills related to reaction on the present-day threats at sea, i.e. suppression of drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and counter-terrorism.

Earlier on, the ships had effectively completed missions within the interfleet task force in the North Atlantic, western, central, and eastern parts of the Mediterranean Sea.

At present, the second tactical group consisting of Northern Fleet (NF) landing ships Alexander Otrakovsky, Georgy Pobedonosets, and Kondopoga is deployed in the North Atlantic.

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