Russian Navy

Yantar Shipyard Lays Down Fourth Frigate for Black Sea Fleet

Yantar Shipyard Lays Down Fourth Frigate for Black Sea Fleet 14.09.2012
Text: World Arms Trade Analytic Center
Photo by press service of Yantar shipyard
Fourth Project 11356 frigate for Russian Navy will be laid down at Yantar shipyard (Kaliningrad) in Oct 2012, the shipyard's representative Sergei Mikhailov told Izvestiya.

As for him, "the ship has no name so far. Other frigates of this project are currently under construction", reports Izvestiya.

Three Project 11356 frigates are being presently built. They are Admiral Grigorovich laid down on Dec 18, 2010; Admiral Essen laid down on July 8, 2011; and Admiral Makarov laid down on Feb 29, 2012.

According to the source, "hull of the first ship has been shaped, the second one is almost shaped, and the third one is at the section-forming phase".

Expectedly, frigate Admiral Grigorovich will be launched in 2013.

Totally, the state arms procurement program provides construction of six Project 11356 frigates till 2020, all of them will join Black Sea Fleet. The fleet is to receive the first three frigates in 2014-2015, writes Izvestiya.

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