Russian Navy

Russian Marines Celebrate 307-th Anniversary

Russian Marines Celebrate 307-th Anniversary 27.11.2012
Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Today, on Nov 27, Russian Marine Corps celebrates 307-th anniversary since the foundation day.

On this remarkable occasion, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov addressed congratulations to marines and expressed hope that they would continue accomplishing all assigned tasks selflessly and in workmanlike manner.

Festive parades were held today in marine units of Pacific, Northern, Baltic, Black Sea fleets, and Caspian Flotilla, as well as meetings with veterans and armament displays.

Born in battles of the Great Northern War 1700-1721, marine element has become an essential part of the Russian Navy. Throughout the three-century long history, marines have written many glorious chapters into battle chronicle of Russian armed forces, their heroism has become an example of courage, honor, and valor.

Soviet marines selflessly fought during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. For heroism and bravery displayed in battles, many marine units obtained Guards and other honorable names, over 150 marines were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Bitter hardships also fell to the lot of current generation of Russian marines. Nevertheless, they have practically proved adherence to the best military traditions.

The present-day Russian Marine Corps is a branch of Coast Defense Troops meant for combat warfare within landing assault parties. It comprises marine units of all four fleets and Caspian Flotilla. Currently, all of them are constant-ready military units continuing rearmament with up-to-date weapons, and equipage with appropriate outfit. For instance, new buoyant armor vests and small arms were recently commissioned into marine units.

Over 25 tactical exercises were held by Russian marines in 2012. The largest one was the Caucasus-2012 strategic exercise. During that exercise, 'black berets' excellently demonstrated their skills to act within landing troops, conduct counter-landing defense, interact with fire-support ships, naval aviation, and land forces.

In addition, marine units performed guard duties onboard Russian warships and auxiliary vessels deployed overseas and attended anti-piracy operations off Somalia as anti-terror groups.

In the current year, 560 marines in 48 counter-terror teams have accomplished tasks of over 90 deployments to remote sea zones. Even now 'black berets' continue combat duties on warships of Black Sea and Pacific fleets operating in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Russian marines are always ready to accomplish any task worldwide proving their motto - "Victory is Where We Are".

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