Russian Navy

Western Navies to Exercise off Iran

Western Navies to Exercise off Iran 07.09.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Twenty five countries led by the US will hold a 12-day long naval exercise nearby Iranian waters, said sources in the British military.

During the maneuvers, participants will practice securing traffic in the Gulf of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf in hostile environment of an opponent. Western military makes no secret, the latter is Iran.

The US delegated three carrier strike groups. Presently, American nuclear-powered aircraft carriers USS Enterprise and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower are deployed in the region. Third carrier USS John C. Stennis will arrive in the area in the nearest time.

Great Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates dispatched large naval forces as well. Some episodes will be held with participation of NATO command authorities.

Except for securing and mine clearing activities in the Strait of Hormuz, the exercise includes strikes upon opponent's warships, coast-based air defense batteries, missile and gun positions located near the Strait of Hormuz.

The exercise will finish on Sept 27, when US president Barak Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington, reports ITAR-TASS.

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