Text: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Department
Photo: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Department
It is planned to hold the Fairway of Peace Russian-Ukrainian annual joint naval exercise in July 2013.

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Russia, Ukraine to Hold Fairway of Peace Exercise in July 2013

In accordance with rotational basis, the exercise will be directed by a representative of Russia's Black Sea Fleet (BSF).
The exercise scenario will be based on practicing of interaction between ship task groups while accomplishing joint missions on countering asymmetric threats, different types of underway defense, visitation of suspicious vessels, monitoring of surface and air situation. Final strength of participating forces will be determined during further bilateral planning conferences.
Joint Russian-Ukrainian naval exercise Fairway of Peace was firstly conducted in 1997, then under mutual agreement it was held biannually (1999, 2001, and 2003). After a long break, the exercise was resumed in 2010 as an interactive headquarters exercise. Since 2011, the exercise is held on the annual basis with actual participation of ships and forces of Russian and Ukrainian navies.
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