Russian Navy

Latvian Navy Commander is fired because of minesweepers scandal

Latvian government relieved Navy Commander Alexander Pavlovich of his post, Mixnews reports. Imants Liegis, Latvian Minister of Defence insisted on Navy Commander's dismissal and put on him the blame of unprofitable transaction of minesweepers purchase.

The contract, referred to above, was signed between Latvia and Holland in 2005. Total amount of transaction was 40 million lats (over $80 million). As DELFI says, it was emerged lately that the ships bought were in bad condition. Moreover, there was no technical documentation: they had to buy it apart for ?500 000.

While discussion of Navy Commander's dismissal, ministers from People's Party supported Pavlovich (Minister of Defense, required his dismissal, represents Civic Union Party). As the ministers said, there was no reasonable ground for the dismissal. Yuri Maklakov, National Defense Forces Commander commenting the matter remarked that Pavlovich had only fulfilled the order to purchase ships and recommended to readdress claims to defense department officers.

Rimants Shtrimaitis, Joint Staff Representative of National Defense Forces is presently acting for Navy Commander.


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