Russian Navy

Saakashvili: Mistral sale is a two-side matter of Moscow and Paris

Saakashvili: Mistral sale is a two-side matter of Moscow and Paris 09.06.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Mistral-type helicopter carrier Tonnerre.
Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili considers Mistral sale a Russia-France bilateral matter.

Anything happens between Russia and France is a two-side matter, Saakashvili said. "Certainly, we have some concerns and some thoughts. Of course, we've touched upon this question [at the talks]", said Saakashvili at the press conference after meeting with French president Nikolas Sarkozy.

Nonetheless, Saakashvili is about to keep ground. Very strong, symbolic, and practical support which France give to Georgia and the region is extremely important, he said.

The question of Mistral was asked by a French reporter. As Saakashvili had studied in France, he answered in French, said goodbye, and stepped into a car. All Georgian reporters were embarrassed, since none of them understood French.

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