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That's interesting
The history of the military rank of “Admiral of the Fleet” and “Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet”How and when the ships were called
Glorious Pleiad of Russian admirals
N.A. Kalanov "Names of the Russian Submarines"
We were Secretly Attacking the United States of "America": Soviet Submariners during the Cold War
“Sea Ghosts”
They Wore Sailors’ Striped Vests under their Cassocks
The Baltic Sea Fleet
The Great Ocean’s Fleet
Naval Dirk: the Gleam of Fame
Divers: Ready to decisively repulse both on and under the surface of water
Ukrainian Navy: ferial excursions into the past and present
Marty the Mine Layer
Orzel’s Escape – Act of Bravery or Provocation?
From the Moon to Taman