Photo: Opening of the monument.

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Monument to lost submariners of K-19 was reconstructed in Polyarny

Made by unknown sculptor, the monument was erected near common grave in 1973. Until the reconstruction, it looked like a white concrete brick with black granite plaque saying "Perished while executing military duties" and naming 28 lost submariners. Decision to reconstruct the monument was made in 2006 on the eve of 100th anniversary of submarine fleet, although it was only demounted then. The reconstruction was carried out in 2010 by order of new local administration at the expense of town enterprises. Over RUR 150,000 donated for festivities of 65th anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War were also to the purpose.
"Now there are name memorial plaques and the sub silhouette on the white concrete brick. A 4-meter marble cross is mounted on the jamb. There's a granite plinth in front of the monument with inscription "Your deed can never be marked in sea abyss, but will always stay in human memory as holy sadness". Right opposite this composition there is the sub's conning hatch", reports Murmansk Review.
Earlier in 2010 volunteers reconstructed common and single graves of Soviet sailors at Kuvshinskaya Salma, pointed out Tatiana Tsymbaliuk, the head of local administration.
According to her, only in Polyarny, Retinskoye, and Set-Navolok there are seven common graves and three monuments in unsatisfactory or breakdown state. Dozens of single graves and memorial plaques need care as well.
Next day after opening of the monument a memorable stela "Town of Military Glory" was also opened in Polyarny. RUR 28,500,000 was appropriated by regional budget, RUR 3,225,000 – by local administration.
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