Photo: Lazarev's Quarters.

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3,500 draftees to arrive to Black Sea Fleet this autumn

That was said by commander of Lazarev's Quarters Lt. Col. Roman Valov in the interview to Flag Rodiny, the BSF official newspaper.
According to the officer, draft plan varies year by year and depends on the fleet's needs.
"After the breakup of the Soviet union, 1,200-1,600 draftees passed through the naval barracks every year", said the officer. "In autumn 2008 we received over 4,000 men. Thus, their amount has been grown in more than three times! In my opinion, this is connected with reduced duration of service term – from 2 years to 1 year. This autumn we plan to accommodate over 3,500 young Russians of conscription age. In total, somewhat 140 teams will arrive to Sevastopol from Southern, Central, and Western Military Districts. Additionally, we expect arrival of over 500 junior specialists trained in Russian naval schools and posted for further service to Black Sea Fleet", he said.
"Apart from acceptance, dress changing, and distribution of newcomers among warships and coastal units, we provide them with a 4-week training course in accordance with the decree of BSF Commander. This autumn, it is planned to train over 1,300 young mariners under this program", underlined the commander.
Lazarev's Quarters is one of the oldest units in Black Sea Fleet, reminds the newspaper.
Well-known Lazarev's Quarters is a harmonious group of buildings architected by John Upton on the initiative of ADM Mikhail Lazarev in 1830-1840; today, the Quarters are still architectural dominant of Nakhimovsky district. That is where all BSF young sailors begin to familiarize with naval elementaries.
"It is symbolical that the day of the unit's establishment coincides with the Russian Draftee's Day. On November 15 Lazarev's Quarters turn 90. Military servicemen and civilian employees will celebrate this great jubilee in condition of reforms in Russian Armed Forces", writes Flag Rodiny.
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