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Rubin design bureau to turn 110

Andrei Diachkov opened the press conference, having briefly outlined the bureau's history and development prospects to numerous journalists. Through years of the bureau's work, 930 submarines were built under Rubin's projects including the world's biggest and most deep-diving subs. Formerly a narrow-specialized organization engaged only in submarine designing, now Rubin has become one of the most advanced Russian multi-field companies successfully introducing newest technologies into development process of conversion-oriented scientific projects, pointed out the director.
Chief engineer Igor Vilnit continued talking about the bureau's activity in civilian niche. He detailed development of Prirazlomnaya class ice-resistant platforms specialized in mining operations at Arctic shelf. Taking into account huge undersea resources of oil and valuable minerals, this area is very perspective and second-priority after creation of submarines for Russian Navy.
Igor Spassky who had managed to save the design bureau in the rainy 90's noted that current Rubin is modern and well-equipped organization which is among the top ten Russian companies in this area. He expressed regret about present economic situation when large state-led and private corporations prefer to import high-tech equipment instead of cooperation with Russian designers and manufacturers; as an example, he mentioned high-speed train Sokol designed by Rubin bureau and found no use at railroad industry.
Concluding the press conference, the participants answered questions.
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