Photo: Vladimir Korolev.

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BSF Commander – Russia's military reform is a retrospect to Soviet experience

According to him, attachment of Black Sea Fleet to Southern Military District will help to resolve an array of problems.
"Even in Soviet times there was a southwest command which coordinated operations of different branches and forces. Now that experience is well to the purpose", said BSF Commander.
Nonetheless, Korolev admits that military reform can move on quite painfully.
"Radical changes are always related with difficulties. Obviously, they can not go without serious consequences in such complicated organism as navy. Strategic command does not embrace the fleet, BSF just becomes its organic part with own special tasks. Adjusting of synchronous operations among various organizations, processes, mutual habituation, delimitation of authority are not simple but very important, because such large-scale military reforms are held for the first time. But we have to do this in order to develop and strengthen the fleet in accordance with current challenges", assures Korolev.
The principal advantage of unified command in an all-arms force is possibility of synergistic interaction.
"Naval, air, and land components will not compete, but organically complement and support each other. Armed conflict of Aug 2008 displayed how important is to have mighty all-arms groupings capable to operate under common scenario and having the whole arsenal of assets, including state-of-the-art communication facilities", emphasized the admiral.
We recall that military reform provides that Black Sea Fleet and Caspian Flotilla will be integrated into Operational Naval Command subordinated to Southern Military District. Also, the district will include Air Force and Air Defense units.
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