Presence of Russian fleet in Ukraine to be discussed in Kiev
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Guard missile cruiser Moskva, flagship of Black Sea Fleet. AFP/Getty Images
Ninth session of Russian-Ukrainian intergovernmental committee on Black Sea Fleet deployment in Ukraine will be held in Kiev on Jan 27.
On Apr 21 Russia and Ukraine agreed that presence of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea would be prolonged for 25 years with possible further extension; in exchange, Ukraine got a discount for Russian natural gas.
"Ukrainian delegation will be headed by deputy foreign minister Ruslan Demchenko, Russian one – by deputy foreign minister Grigory Karasin", said press secretary of Ukrainian foreign ministry Alexander Dikusarov.
According to him, the commission will analyze readiness for signing an agreement between Ukraine's cabinet of ministers and Russian government regulating movements related to BSF activities in the territory of Ukraine.
Also, it is planned to consider a forthcoming intergovernmental agreement on joint disaster control activities in populated areas where BSF assets are deployed.
Dikusarov said that the parties would raise an issue of bilateral agreement on jurisdiction matters and legal assistance in criminal cases while BSF deployment in Ukraine.
Signing of intergovernmental agreement on navigational and hydrographic support of shipping in the Black Sea and the Azov Sea will be discussed as well.
In addition, the parties will analyze inventory of lands and Ukrainian state property leased to BSF, environmental security and protection in basing sites of Black Sea Fleet.