Photo: Sea of Okhotsk.

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Pacific Fleet aircraft searches the lost trawler

Trawler Ametist which belongs to Kamchatka Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography was crabbing in the Sea of Okhotsk. Radio contact with the 23-man crewed vessel was lost on Feb 11. At that time there was about 12 tons of fuel on board the trawler; average daily consumption is 3 tons. The search operation was suspended on Monday due to stormy wind, low visibility, and ice accretion. Eighteen vessels were involved in the search operation on Tuesday in Shelekhov Bay where the ship possibly lost. The operation is held within the area of 120 x 140 miles westward Kamchatka and coordinated by patrol ship Anadyr.
"ASW aircraft Il-38 took off Nikolayevka airdrome heading for the search area. It will arrive to west coast of Kamchatka in the nearest time and start air search", specified the interviewee.
According to him, PF naval aviation was ready to join the search operation on Monday, but low dense clouds and gusty sidewind hindered to start air reconnaissance. Now the weather became better.
Helicopter Mi-8 of Kamchatka Airlines also joined the operation today, reports RIA Novosti referring to a representative of crisis center.
"EMERCOM helicopter from Magadan and FSB aircraft An-24 from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski will attend the search in the nearest time", said the interviewee.
According to him, 11 vessels search the lost trawler on Wednesday.
The crisis center was established in Kamchatka maritime rescue center in order to coordinate all search activities. Transport procuracy holds an inquiry into the incident.
Professional EMERCOM psychologists render appropriate help and assistance to relatives of the lost crew on the day-and-night hot line (4152) 300-120.
Governor of Kamchatka took the search operation under personal control.
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