Photo: SSBN Novomoskovsk.

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Submarine force development is Russia's higher priority objective – military expert

According to the interviewee, deterrence of global military threat will remain the function of strategic nuclear force and, in particular, their sea component – ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) and general purpose forces capable to counter platforms of conventional missile and air weapons.
Maintaining of current potentials and upgrading of naval strategic nuclear force and general purpose assets is and will continue to be one of the vital and permanent goals of Russian Navy's command.
Defense ministry and the Navy will keep on paying great attention to building of new SSBNs, upgrade of available ones, and construction of attack submarines. This will be closely associated with continuous work to use appropriated budgetary funds effectively and for the purpose of combat readiness, improvement of naval arms and equipment, said the expert.
Nowadays, the highest priority in the Navy renovation process is given to SSBNs and attack submarines.
In 2001, naval strategic nuclear force performs deterrence functions by dispatching SSBNs to combat patrols at sea and at bases. Submarines will continue to accomplish tasks in accordance with combat training schedule in the current year, not reducing intensity of training process.
The state, the Navy, and defense industry have not lost designing and production potential in submarine building. As for the military expert, this gives good perspectives to Russian submarine fleet in the area of strategic nuclear development.
Alongside with that, construction of 4-generation diesel submarines is going on, which will meet the demand for this class of subs as well, said the interviewee.
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