Photo: BDK-98.

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Pacific Fleet marines held landing drill in Primorsky Krai

PF Marine Brigade commanded by Colonel Igor Bushmin fixed tent camp at Bamburovo Range near Vladivostok. Black berets have been training at the range for two months driving combat vehicles, conducting drill battles, firing small arms, embarking, and landing ashore.
"Landing drill was a preparation for battalion tactical exercise which is to be conducted late in April", specified the interviewee.
According to him, qualification training was held in Desantnaya Bay nearby Vladivostok. Marines practiced embarkation of combat vehicles on board three large landing ships BDK-98, Osliabia, and Nikolai Vilkov as well as landing party's activities while sea passage.
"Joint exercise of landing ships and marines were secured by minesweepers of harbor defense brigade headed by Capt 1 rank Igor Osipov", Martov said.
He noted that during the two-month field drills some tasks had been conducted in combat-like conditions, such as long-range march, firing of antitank missile battery, Gvozdika self-propelled guns, and battalion mortars.
According to the official, Pacific mariners also entered into active phase of the exercise. Crews of PF Primorsk flotilla's warships have effectively conducted maneuvers in Russian waters of the Sea of Japan. They practiced activities of single ships and tactical groups in Peter the Great Bay.
During 3-day long maneuvers the crews of participating ships held dozens of various drills including missile/artillery firings at air and sea targets, counter-terror activities etc. Large ASW ships Admiral Tributs and Admiral Panteleyev conducted firing at targets mounted on Zheltukhin Island. Crews of submarines are preparing to take the sea as well.
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