Photo: Picket of BSF Construction Dept employees.

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BSF Construction Dept can be sold to a Russian company

The investor is ready not only to pay off wage arrears and complete buildings in Kesayev Str, but to begin partial development of 24th and 54th BSF plants.
We recall that the plants' territory is one of five land plots which are not used by Russia's Black Sea Fleet, say Sevastopol authorities and offer those lands for various investors. In particular, one of these projects provides construction of new business center in the territory of 24th and 54th plants on the Khrustalny Cape.
As is expected, Russian party would give the distinct answer during diplomatic summit to be held in Sevastopol in June. However, the source says it has been already ordered to draw detailed plan of the Khrustalny Cape, since that project is considered the most realistic one.
As of early 2011, wage arrears of BSF Construction Dept was UAH 4.6 mln and debt to Ukraine's superannuation fund – UAH 12 mln.
Russian Military procuracy insists BSF Construction Dept is Ukrainian company registered in Sevastopol.
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