Photo: Construction of Project 11356 frigate.

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Russia to raise financing of the Navy

Mentioned figures are provided by State Arms Program 2011-2020 which appropriates RUR 19 trillions for defense ministry. "Comparing to the previous arms program, the funds have been raised thrice", pointed out Putin.
Russian deputy defense minister Vladimir Popovkin said late in Feb that the ministry was to purchase 100 surface ships and submarines until 2020. In particular, it is planned to buy 20 non-strategic submarines, 8 nuclear-powered ballistic missile subs, 35 corvettes, and 15 frigates. Namely, they are surface ships of projects 20380, 11356M, 22350, 11711, 21631, and submarines of projects 636, 885, and 955.
Procurement cost of new arms for Russian Navy also includes buying of four Mistral class assault landing ships from French company DCNS. Defense ministry plans to purchase two completed ships and a license permitting to build other two ships in Russia. Although the contract cost has not been promulgated so far, some experts say it can make about EUR 1.5 bln.
Previous State Arms Program 2006-2015 provided appropriation of RUR 5 trillions for defense ministry's procurements. Speaking of the Navy portion, it was supposed to buy 24 surface ships, 7 Borei class SSBNs, and 6 non-strategic subs. De-facto, Russian Navy has acquired two ships, one ballistic missile submarine (SSBN Yury Dolgoruky, yet non-commissioned), and no conventional subs.
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