Text: Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Missile boat is attacking. Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Exercise of Pacific Fleet has been finished in the Peter the Great Bay. Joint launches of cruise missiles left no chance for the "enemy" strike group.

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Pacific mariners hit dummy target by cruise missiles

Missile ships of two task formations led by Capt 1 rank Sergei Zhuga and Capt 1 rank Igor Osipov sailed off the base on Tuesday. Having arrived to the firing area, they re-shaped into several type groups and carried out missile launches against dummy sea target. Minesweepers of division headed by Capt 2 rank Gennady Poddubny helped strike force to overcome minefields laid by the "opponent". Dubbed as sea plowers, they delicately escorted strike ships to the assigned area. At the same time ASW aircraft Il-38 flied over the firing zone and provided ships' missile-men with targeting data.
Countdown, and wrapping up with smoke destroyer Bystry launched antiship missile Moskit first. Guard missile cruiser Varyag and missile boats launched missiles next.
As is known, sea battles are always fast but pretty effective. When inspection group approached the target, experts could witness that antiship missiles left holes in a written-off workshop vessel refitted into dummy target.
In total, naval aviation and over 20 warships and auxiliary vessels attended the exercise led by Primorsk Flotilla Commander Capt 1 rank Viktor Sokolov. In accordance with summarized results of the exercise, it will be decided whether performed combat drills deserve prizes of Navy Commander-in-Chief and Pacific Fleet Commander.
This exercise of type groups closes the fleet's winter training period.
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