Photo: SSN Kursk.

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Water capsule from the SSN Kursk accident to be stored in a school museum

Among museum's showpieces are diving suit, an anchor with chain, different models of submarines, watches, instruments, naval uniforms, flags, documents, bust of Russian Navy's founder Peter the Great, and a showcase related to Vice Admiral Viktor M. Khramtsov.
"The idea to create a museum has been nourished long ago, even the chairman of veteran submariners' council offered us to establish a museum. But only the death of Vice Admiral Khramtsov last year was a determinant factor to open the Museum of Russian Naval Glory in our school", reports headmistress of 600th School Ninel Orekhanova.
Information and exhibits for the museum have been collected for a long time. The school's administration is on friendly terms with submariners who donated numerous showpieces to the museum and regularly give lessons of courage for the schoolboys.
The Museum of Russian Naval Glory is the only school museum in Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. According to the headmistress, they are not about to stop and will continue area studies and research work to preserve the memory of Russian heroes.
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