Photo: Ganva unmanned submersible.

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New submersible was presented at Integrated Security-2011 exhibition

According to the top specialist of the company Vladimir Petrovsky, the submersible represents a new class of submarine robots and is designed for security agencies (armed forces, police, coast guard), extractive industries, exploration and monitoring of marine environment.
Gavia has high independence from mother ship, fast speed of search, vast coverage zone, and significant diving depth range. The submersible's distinctive features are high positioning accuracy, and fixed location in operational area. Sonar and photo camera make possible to locate an object in vast search zone and get its image.
Modular structure of Gavia submersible provides fast assembling in field conditions. Depending on the configuration, the 49-78 kg submersible is capable to operate autonomously at depths of 500 or 1,000 meters and max speed of 5.5 knots within 4-7 hours. The submersible was delivered to the exhibition right after the trials where all declared characteristics had been practically proved.
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