Text: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Group
The Fairway of Peace-2011 naval exercise jointly held by Russia's Black Sea Fleet (BSF) and Ukrainian Navy was triumphantly opened on May 23 in Sevastopol; it is planned to practice joint actions while a peace-enforcement operation in "crisis region".

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Russian-Ukrainian joint exercise Fairway of Peace-2011 started in Sevastopol

The exercise command is carried out by Russian party on rotational basis.
The exercise director – BSF Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev – spoke to the audience after solemn hoisting of Russian and Ukrainian national flags and pointed out that "we regard the Fairway of Peace exercise not only as practical test of our professional skills but also as improvement of cooperation between friendly fleets, new opportunity to demonstrate our joint striving for peace and stability in the region".
Deputy Mayor of Sevastopol Nikolai Karpeyev, deputy chairman of Sevastopol City Council Alexander Antonenkov, and Sevastopol archpriest Sergius also took part in the exercise-opening ceremony along with officers of joint headquarters, ships' crews and marine units.
After parade of participating ships' crews and marine units, BSF Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev and Ukrainian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Maksimov answered questions of reporters.
Later on that day, deputy director of the exercise – Ukrainian Navy Deputy Commander VADM Sergei Yeliseyev – listened to decisions made by commanders of sea, air, coastal, and search-and-rescue components and assigned tasks to staff and forces prior to the peace-enforcement operation.
The Fairway of Peace-2011 exercise is attended by 9 warships, 8 boats and auxiliary vessels, 8 aircrafts, 3 helicopters, over 50 combat vehicles and 260 marines.
Land phase of the exercise includes landing and deployment of peace-making units and will be performed on May 26 in Kazachya Bay, Sevastopol.
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