Text: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Black Sea Fleet Information Support Group
Session of navy commanders of BLACKSEAFOR participating countries was held in Russia's Black Sea Fleet (BSF) international coordination center located in Divnomorskoye, Krasnodar region.

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Navy commanders of BLACKSEAFOR states convened near Novorossiysk

Main subject of discussion was planning of the BLACKSEAFOR naval task group activation coming in Aug 2011 and to be headed by Russian representative.
Chief of Russian Navy Main HQ Admiral Alexander Tatarinov said words of salutation to participants.
Navy commanders of five Black Sea countries took part in the meeting. BSF was represented by its commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev.
In accordance with agreements achieved, during the BLACKSEAFOR activation major emphasis will be placed on countering of asymmetric threats and improvement of cooperation amid Black Sea states in this area.
According to a decision of BLACKSEAFOR commanders committee, the August activation will be headed by deputy chief of Black Sea Fleet HQ Capt 1 rank Yury Zemsky.
Command-passage ceremony will take place in Novorossiysk early in Aug.
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