Russian-Ukrainian naval cooperation dynamically develops – Ukrainian Navy Commander
Text: Ukrainian Navy Press Center
Photo: Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev and Admiral Viktor Maksimov.
"Constructive cooperation between Ukrainian and Russian navies dynamically develops; scale of the current exercise proves that", said Ukrainian Navy Commander ADM Viktor Maksimov appearing at opening ceremony of the Fairway of Peace-2011 Russian-Ukrainian naval exercise.
Ukrainian Navy Commander on behalf of Defense Minister, Chief of the General Staff, and Military Council congratulated mariners of the two fleets on opening of the exercise which is "especially important and long-awaited for us".
According to the admiral, "it is the first time throughout recent years when such considerable force is involved in the Fairway of Peace exercise". As for Maksimov, "considering present-day challenges and threats, we realize the necessity of such exercise. Its main purpose is to maintain peace and stability at southern frontiers of our states".
The admiral expressed hope that commanding officers, crews of ships, marine units, and aviation of both fleets would display high level of qualification and naval skills. Maksimov wished all participants of the Fairway of Peace-2011 exercise robust health, endurance, self-reliance, and effective actions at sea, air and land".
As was earlier reported, Fairway of Peace-2011 exercise is held in May 23-27 in Sevastopol and northwest part of the Black Sea. The exercise scenario is international peace-making operation in a crisis region.
In accordance with rotational principle, current exercise is directed by Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander VADM Vladimir Korolev; his assistant is Ukrainian Navy Deputy Commander VADM Sergei Yeliseyev.