Photo: SLBM Bulava.

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Bulava salvo launch to be held in 2011

"Under Bulava flight development test program, we plan to carry out four launches in 2011. Salvo launch is scheduled as well", reports Interfax citing the admiral.
"It's up to the state commission to set the date", Vysotsky said speaking of the salvo launch. Such test implies simultaneous launching of two and more missiles, he added.
After effective termination of flight development tests and appropriate conclusions of the state commission, missile system Bulava is going to be put into service.
According to Vysotsky, State Arms Program covering the period up to 2020 provides construction of about 40 warships for Russian Navy.
"Somewhat 40 warships of different types", he said speaking about plans for Russian Navy's renovation.
Earlier on, president of United Shipbuilding Corporation Roman Trotsenko reported that RUR 3-4 trillions would be appropriated for arms procurement up to 2020.
"According to the state defense order, the Navy will get about 15-20% out of annual spendings, which is adequate to international practices in arms procurement", said Trotsenko.
Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine Nerpa will be leased to India in 2011, Vysotsky said on June 31.
"There are no any serious problems for leasing the sub to Indian Navy this year", he added.
As for him, the Indian crew had passed training course, and the sub is being prepared for delivery trials.
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