Photo: MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB fighters.

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Russian Navy buys 24 deck-based fighters MiG-29

As was reported in Apr 2010, Russian Navy would buy 26 deck-based fighters MiG-29K to be stationed on Admiral Kuznetsov which is the only aircraft carrier operated by Russian Navy. In prospect, MiG-29K/KUB and Su-33 will be the core of Russian Navy's deck-based aviation. Life of Su-33 fighters currently in service expires in 2015, although it is planned to prolong it till 2025.
Procurement of new aircrafts will be carried out under State Arms Program 2011-2020 which volume of financing makes about RUR 20 trillions. Modernization of Admiral Kuznetsov will start in 2012; the upgraded ship will be re-commissioned in 2017. The carrier's arms and electronics will be completely replaced. So far, it has not been reported where new fighters will be stationed during these 6 years.
MiG-29K is a multirole fighter capable to be based on aircraft carriers with displacement of 28,000 tons. Its max speed is 2,200 kph and operating range is up to 1,500 km. MiG-29K is armed with 30-mm gun and has 7 stations for guided antiship/antiradar/air-to-air missiles and glide bombs. Batch production was launched in March 2008.
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