Photo: Nuclear-powered submarine B-159.

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Rosatom: nuclear subs must be lifted from Arctic seas

"It is vital to make decision on either lifting or complete disposal of two nuclear submarines – B-159 sunken in the Barents Sea in 2003 at the depth of 248 meters, and K-27 sunken in 1989 in Stepanovo Bay, Novaya Zemlya at the depth of 33 meters", Kamenskih said. This question was brought up at the session of Russia's Security Council in Naryan-Mar.
"I think, this issue should be settled in 2012. Obviously, picking up those subs needs significant financing. But we must be sure that the sea nuclear pollution problem won't emerge at that region. Presently, radiation background at those sites is normal", noted the interviewee.
As for him, each of those submarines has two reactors with nuclear fuel.
"Taking into account lifting experience of SSN Kursk, we are quite capable to perform such operations. Especially as the subs are at relatively shallow depths", added Kamenskih.
"On the other hand, if it is decided to dispose the subs completely, one should determine how to do that", pointed out the interviewee.
"Speaking of SSN Komsomolets sunken in the Norwegian Sea in 1989, the sub will obviously stay there for ever, since she lies at the depth of 1,685 meters", said deputy director of Rosatom.
On Monday Ivan Kamenskih delivered the report "Ecological problems of nuclear power plant utilization in Arctic" at the international Arctic forum arranged by Russian Security Council on board icebreaker Yamal during Arctic cruise from Varandei to Tlksi along the Northern Sea Route.
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