Illustration: Helicopter deck landing satellite system.

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Helicopter deck landing satellite system presented at MAKS-2011

That small-size equipment was designed especially for Stereguschiy-class corvette (Project 20380) in order to improve flight safety of deck-based helicopter Ka-27PL or its analogs equipped with such system.
So far, the lead corvette is not provided with SSP-K-20380 system as it is only at the testing phase. However, it is obvious that the use of such system in the "helicopter-ship" link will considerably improve safety of deck landing - which is the most dangerous flight stage, according to air accident statistics - of rotary-wing aircraft like heavy class Ka-27 helicopter on the deck of Project 20380 corvette.
Thanks to small sizes and possibility to mount it on other platforms, in prospect the system can be applied to other rotary-wing aircraft carriers, i.e. Project 22350 frigate, Project 11711 Ivan Gren class landing ship, etc. Compas Design Bureau continues to improve the perspective system.
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