Text: Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev. Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Pacific Fleet (PF) task unit headed by large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev on Sept 8 paid formal call at port Sihanoukville, Kingdom of Cambodia.

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Pacific Fleet ships moored at Cambodian coast

In the recent history of Russia, this is the first visit of our naval servicemen to Cambodia. Soviet Navy ships had been visiting this country since 1968 till 1987.
Russian servicemen were met on the quay by Russian ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia Alexander Ignatov, representatives of Cambodian naval base Ream and officers of Russian attache department.
In the first day of the visit PF delegation headed by the task unit commander Capt 1 rank Andrei Saprykin paid visits to Ream naval base command, city administration, and Sihanoukville port authorities.
An eventful program is scheduled for Russian mariners in Cambodia; PF servicemen will have familiarization tours, meet with Cambodian Navy Commander and compete in soccer and volleyball with their Cambodian colleagues.
The visit of PF task unit to Cambodia will last till Sept 13. After that, Russian ships will head for the Horn of Africa to perform ant-piracy tasks.
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