Photo: Model of Post floating base displayed at Neva 2011 exhibition.

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Coast Guard Floating Base Displayed at Neva 2011 Exhibition

The floating base was designed and built by the order of Coast Guard, Russian FSB Frontier Service. This is the first project of this kind developed in Russia.
Commissioned early in 2011, the floating base maintains activities of State Maritime Inspection and FSB Frontier Service aimed at protection of state border, internal sea waters and territorial waters of the Russian Federation, aquatic bioresources, and state control over frontier regime.
Being situated in the Volga River estuary, non-propelled floating base provides temporal accommodation of state maritime inspectors and duty frontiersmen, border guard technical facilities, water craft of State Maritime Inspection (three Master-651 class motorboats) and their technical recovery. The base can be used as headquarters of search-and-rescue operations conducted by frontiersmen in patrol zones. Using available technical facilities, the base makes possible to conduct visual and radar monitoring over sea surface and fishery activities, as well as control of coast guard patrol craft in the region.
Temporal custody of arrested persons as well as storage of illegal fishing accessories is also possible at the floating base.
In fact, Post is a mobile motorboat base maintaining activities of State Maritime Inspection. It is fully equipped with all facilities needed for its crew and duty officers.
Throughout its service in Caspian Sea, the floating base received positive recommendations of frontiersmen; expectedly, FSB Frontier Service would make additional orders for such bases.
Basic characteristics of Project 09662 Post floating base:Bare displacement about 180 tons;
Dimensions: length 24.8 meters, width 13.5 meters, hull height 3.3 meters;
Crew 3 men, designated personnel 15 men.
JSC Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation was established in 2001 on the basis of JSC Gorodetskaya Shipyard. Basic specialization is production of composite floating docks and reinforced concrete piers. Since 50's the shipyard has built over 200 various concrete-hulled vessels, such as refrigerators, docks, piers, floating bases, motels, and restaurants.
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