Photo: Pirates' Black Jack atop the mast of cruiser Avrora.

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Black Jack Flattered Over Cruiser Avrora

When police took the young men away from the cruiser, their supporters crowded at the pier were chanting "Let them free!"
Recall that in the evening of Oct 16 eight men intruded on board Avrora. Staff of the museum cruiser managed to detain five of them, but other three guys including one girl climbed the mast and attached pirate flag. Guards had been trying to take youngsters off the mast for three hours. The girl got down first.
Five activists detained earlier also had the Black Jack and three metal sticks, reports Fontanka.Ru referring to police office. Obviously, the intruders wanted to attach the flag on another mast. They have been already accused of disturbance of public peace classified by clause 20.1, RF Administrative Violations Code as disorderly conduct.
Responsibility for the action was taken by St. Petersburg organizations "People's Fate" and "Food Instead Bombs". According to the activists, they hung the Jolly Roger in protest against poverty in Russia. The protesters called the action "Unforgettable October: Avrora's Resurrection".
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