Text: Northern Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Vladimir Vysotsky. Northern Fleet Information Support Group
"Dear seamen, sergeants, officers and generals! Esteemed veterans of Russian Marine Corps! Let me congratulate you on the Russian Marines' Day!

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Russian Navy Commander Congratulated Marines

History of Marine Corps is a glorious chapter of Russian Navy's battle chronicles. Colors of marine units are covered by valor of those who defended native land and national interests worldwide.
Establishment of marine regiments is indissolubly related to the name and deeds of Russian Emperor Peter the Great. Thanks to dedicated work, courage and heroism of his supporters, Russia founded a naval outpost on the Baltic coast.
Russian marines have been always known for their high naval skills, proficiency, bravery and unblinking devotion to the Motherland.
It is you who are tasked with special functions of mobility and impetuosity both in offense and defense.
Marines gained the Guard titles during hard years of the Great Patriotic War. They fought German invaders heroically on land and at sea, actively participated in defensive operations in Leningrad, Moscow, Sevastopol, and Stalingrad. Soviet marines displayed valor and bravery at liberation of Caucasus and Crimea, Ukraine and Belarus, nations of captured Europe.
During recent anti-terror operation at Northern Caucasus, marines also demonstrated courage, bravery, military valor and patriotism.
At peacetime, marine units have been successfully performing combat tasks worldwide. They conduct anti-piracy activities, escort commercial ships, and carry out important diplomatic missions representing Russia as a developed sea power.
I would like to express my appreciation of your service. Undoubtedly, in future marines will continue Russian heroic military traditions and remain the Navy's perfectly trained vanguard.
Special thanks should be said to marine veterans for their great contribution to patriotic education of youth.
I sincerely wish all marines strong health, happiness and wealth to their families, peaceful skies, optimism, confidence in future, and new achievements on the honorable path of service to the Motherland".
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