Photo: Ka-52 helicopter.

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Russian Ka-52 Helicopters to Get Newest Comm System in 2012

"Defense ministry has already signed a contract with us for 2012 and plans to procure batch-produced equipment BRIZ for Ka-52 helicopter and its modified versions. In 2012, it is planned to start batch deliveries to Russian Air Force", he said.
According to Savchenko, state trials of the company's novelty – broadband radio link BRIZ – successfully finished two weeks ago, on the day of the institute's 65-th anniversary. The trials were held on the basis of the new-generation scout-attack aircraft system Ka-52.
"BRIZ is capable to conduct online air reconnaissance. In addition, decisions on air wing control, use of air weapons and its effectiveness monitoring can be given from the air wing commander's helicopter or even from a ground-based command post. Also, online video image will be transmitted from a cockpit to ground-based simulators in order to train pilots", specified the director.
He noted that onboard and land-based equipment BRIZ was capable to exchange high-resolution online data between helicopters and transmit it to ground-based command post. It can be live or camera/radar-recorded image, video records taken from the cockpit, or parametric information from onboard systems. "Overall power of BRIZ equipment is less than 150 W, and it weights less than 10 kg. Having comparable characteristics, analogs of BRIZ weight tens of kilograms and consume hundreds of watts", stressed Savchenko.
Ka-52 Alligator is the newest Russian multirole combat helicopter. It is an evolution of Ka-50 Black Shark model. Air wing commander's helicopter performing terrain reconnaissance, targeting, and coordination of subordinate helicopters is capable to destroy armor vehicles and air targets.
It is planned to place ship-based modification of this helicopter – Ka-52K – on Mistral-class landing ships; the first one is to be commissioned into Russian Navy in 2014.
Max speed of Ka-52 is 350 kph; flight range is 1,200 km; flight altitude is 5,500 meters; climbing ability is 10 mps; crew is two - pilot and navigator.
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