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JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation Turns 10

Text: Press service of JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation
JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation established by presidential order on the basis of FSUE Zvezda-Strela will celebrate 10-th anniversary on Jan 24, 2012.
Tactical Missiles Corporation represents a developed designing and production structure which business priorities are associated with development, production, testing, delivery, and modernization of tactical guided missiles for air, land (coast), and maritime platforms of Russian Armed Forces.
Since its establishment, the company has passed a long and thorny path of corporative evolution, having amalgamated almost two dozens of defense enterprises different in production, manufacturing capabilities, and economic development.
At present, the corporation delivers its production to Russian Air Force and Russian Navy.
The company exports military-oriented products to foreign customers as well.
Besides, it conducts independent foreign trade activities by servicing and repairing of export products made by the corporation.
Presently, the company offers package of services in this area, including deliveries of spare parts, repair, technical maintenance, and staff training.
In the recent years, production structure consolidated under the corporation demonstrates steady positive trends of economic development. The company has gained stable positions at international arms markets as well. Prestigious American magazine Defense News publishing rating of the world's top 100 defense companies regularly includes the corporation in the list since 2005.
Today, the company faces new challenging tasks related to execution of state arms programs and federal defense industry development programs.
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