Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
Visiting Sevastopol, delegation from Orenburg region accompanied by members of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) Military Council and city officials visited large landing ship Orsk which passes scheduled overhaul at the fleet's ship-repair plant.

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Orenburg Regional Delegation Visited BSF Landing Ship Orsk in Sevastopol

The ship's crew paraded on the deck, and then Orenburg Governor Yury Berg, deputy chairman of the regional government Evgeny Beloglazov, and mayor of Orsk Viktor Franz met with BSF servicemen native of Orenburg region. In total, over 30 of them presently serve in Black Sea Fleet.
Yury Berg thanked naval mariners for excellent service, wished them luck and promised that the region would continue to take active part in preparing draftees for Black Sea Fleet.
Being a member of the delegation, Bishop of Orsk Irenaeus held a prayer service on board the ship and presented the icon of St. Andrew the First Called to BSF mariners.
The visit was finished with sightseeing tour around the Hero City of Sevastopol.
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