Photo: Project 20380 corvette Stereguschiy.

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Creators of Project 20380 Corvette Obtained Government Award

At the suggestion of the inter-agency council, the Government of the Russian Federation decreed to give prizes for scientific achievements to Andrei B. Fomichev, Director General of JSC Severnaya Verf Shipyard, and Alexander A. Uliashev, Deputy Chief Designer of the yard.
Apart from directing officials of Severnaya Verf, the Governmental Prize was given to representatives of Almaz Central Design Bureau developed the corvette – Director General and Chief Designer Alexander V. Shlyakhtenko, Chief Engineer Konstantin G. Golubev, Project 20380 Designer Igor N. Ivanov, and a number of other specialists.
According to A. Fomichev addressing the solemn ceremony held on Feb 23, "this award indicates high confidence of Russian Government in shipbuilders of Severnaya Verf, it is a sort of the highest quality mark".
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