Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Large ASW Admiral Panteleyev. Western Military District Press Service
Pacific Fleet (PF) task unit consisting of large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev, seagoing tanker Boris Butoma, and rescue tug Fotiy Krylov left Indonesian port Surabaya and set a course for the port of Manila, Philippines.

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Admiral Panteleyev to Visit Philippines Underway Home

The program of the 4-day visit to Indonesia was full of events. On the first day the Russian delegation paid protocol visits to Indonesia's Eastern Fleet Commander, Surabaya Naval Base Commander, and the city mayor.
The second day started with sport events; Russian mariners compete in soccer and volleyball with their Indonesian counterparts. Later on that day, PF sailors had coach tours around the city's places of interest. Except for cultural activities, the parties discussed program of Russian-Indonesian joint maneuvering and communications drills.
On the third day, locals of Surabaya were allowed to visit Russian large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev.
After the visit and the farewell ceremony, PF ships held joint maneuvering and communication drills in Indonesian territorial waters.
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