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BSF Court Experts Identify Remains of Soviet Soldiers Fought for Sevastopol

Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Experts of forensic-medical laboratory of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) 1472-nd Pirogov Naval Hospital are actively participating in remains identification of Soviet military servicemen died defending Sevastopol in the Great Patriotic War.
Except for their primary activities – conducting of forensic enquiries and improving of medical and diagnostic process at Black Sea Fleet – experts of the laboratory have long-standing relations with scouting force "Dolg" (Sevastopol) and search party "Podvig" (Balaklava). At request of Ukrainian scouts, up to 20 expertises will be held by the BSF forensic-medical laboratory in order to identify lost Soviet soldiers.
Last year, the fleet's criminalists managed to identify names of two defenders of Sevastopol, in 2012 – another name was freed from obscurity.
Totally, through the recent 5 years BSF medical experts helped to return names to 15 heroes fallen defending Sevastopol.
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