Photo: Model of Project 20385 corvette.

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Severnaya Verf to Build 10 Gremyaschiy-Class Corvettes

Official keel-laying ceremony of Project 20385 lead corvette Gremyaschiy took place on slipways of Severnaya Verf on Feb 1. The project was developed by Almaz design bureau and is a modernized Project 20380. Frigate Admiral Golovko (Project 22350) was laid down at the shipyard on the same day.
"In accordance with the Russian Government's resolution, Severnaya Verf shipyard was appointed the only manufacturer of other nine corvettes upgraded under Project 20385 for Russian Navy", Vilde said.
As for her, Russian Navy is interested in reinforcement with such corvettes. "The Navy's demand is up to 20 ships", said the official.
Attending the ceremony, Northern Fleet (NF) Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev pointed out that Project 20385 corvettes would help Russia protect littoral sea zone.
"All littoral zone problems will be resolved with such ships in hand", Korolev said.
He emphasized that two newest ships laid down within one day was a significant event. "Such things happened rarely even in Soviet times", noted the NF Commander.
According to him, Project 20385 is deep modernization of Project 20380. "These ships have new capabilities and will help Russian Navy face the future with confidence", Korolev said.
Project 20380 lead corvette Stereguschiy was delivered to defense ministry in 2007 and became the first large-size surface warship built in the post-Soviet period. Delivery of the second corvette Soobrazitelny was held in 2011.
Third corvette named Boiky was put afloat last year and will join the Navy in the current one. Another corvette – Stoiky – is under construction. Fifth ship of the project – Sovershenny – is being built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
According to Mrs. Vilde, combat capabilities of the new Project 20385 corvette outclass those of European and Russian analogs.
Major advantages of the corvette are versatility, low signature, high automation level, fast speed, and improved air defense capability.
Displacement of Project 20385 corvette is 2,200 tons; length is 104 meters; beam is 13 meters; speed is 27 knots; fuel range is 4,000 miles; crew is 100 men.
The ship is armed with Uran strike missile system, 100-mm gun mount, air defense system, tactical data system, sonar, trailed antenna, and deck-based helicopter Ka-27.
The corvette has low underwater noise and sonar jamming levels. By virtue of special architectural and design solutions, the ship's secondary radar and infrared signatures are considerably reduced.
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