Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Airfield reconstruction has been started at Northern Fleet (NF) main airdrome Severomorsk-1.

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Northern Fleet Reconstructs Airfield

The project implies extension of the runway strip up to 3,500 meters which will make possible to accommodate all types of aircraft including long-haul airplanes Il-96, strategic missile-carrying airplanes Tu-160 and Tu-22M, long-range antisubmarine airplanes Tu-142.
In the course of modernization, it is planned to replace coating of airfield and taxi lanes, construct new administrative buildings, flight control facilities, aircraft parking, up-to-date communication links, power lines, and drainage facilities. Airfield of the renewed airdrome will be equipped with modern light markings and radar aids.
Construction works are held by FSUE Spetsstroy Engineering subordinated to Federal Agency for Special Construction.
First in-service date is scheduled on May 31, 2013.
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