Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
In the first half of 2012, Caspian Flotilla (CF) will be reinforced with Project 11661K missile ship Dagestan and Project 21630 small-size gunnery ship Volgodonsk. The ships are designed by Zelenodolsk Design Bureau (Tatarstan, Russia). Considering latest scientific achievements and assigned mission, the hulls are built under stealth technology.

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Caspian Flotilla to Get New Warships and Supply Vessels in 2012

Missile ship Dagestan is the first Russian Navy ship armed with Caliber-NK missile system capable to launch several types of high-precision missiles against sea surface and coastal targets at range up to 300 km.
Thanks to shallow draft (about 2 meters at maximum) and high maneuverability, small-size gunnery ship Volgodonsk is perfect for wide range of tasks in the Caspian Sea's littoral zone, in Volga River, and other narrow waters. The ship may also deliver strikes upon enemy warships and coastal targets to clear beach-head. JSC Almaz shipyard (St. Petersburg) builds third Project 21630 small-size gunnery ship Makhachkala.
In addition, JSC Zelenodolsk Shipyard constructs three new Project 21631 small-size missile ships for Caspian Flotilla – Grad Sviyazhsk, Uglich, and Veliky Ustiug armed with Caliber-NK missile system.
Apart from warships, CF renovates auxiliary fleet as well.
Second Project 705B harbor tug RB-10 built by Astrakhan Ship Repair Plant (Affiliate of JSC Zvezdochka) was commissioned into Caspian Flotilla in Nov 2011. Third tug of the project will join the flotilla by the end of 2012.
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