Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Su-33. Western Military District Press Service
Having crossed the North Atlantic, Northern Fleet (NF) carrier group entered the Barents Sea. Pilots of the carrier's air wing are first who touch the native land. This tradition is based on the rule that all deck-based aircrafts must ferry to coastal airfield before a ship enters base.

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NF Pilots Returned to Home Airbase

During the 2.5-month long cruise, Russian pilots carried out 15 flight exercises in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, performed about 150 landings of Su-33 heavy fighters on the deck of aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, held over 20 mock air combats, and same number of target interception drills.
Pilots Maj Ahdrei Pestov, Capt Stanislav Avdin, and Capt Vyacheslav Lunin had passed training in 2011 and have performed their first deck landing at recent deployment. Lt Col Pavel Pryadko has carried out his 100-th deck landing.
Other four pilots amid air wing of Admiral Kuznetsov also have experience of 100 landings. They are Col Igor Matkovsky and Col Evgeny Kuznetsov, Lt Col Nikolai Deriglazov and L Col Pavel Podguzov.
Air crews of ship-based helicopters Ka-27 also improved flight skills; they maintained training flights and provided antisubmarine watch. In total, they have performed over 200 sorties including over 80 in night-time.
As a result of deployment, deck based pilots were awarded medals and commendations.
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