Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Extended planning conference of the international life-saving exercise took place in Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Kaliningrad. The meeting was attended by representatives of Baltic Fleet (BF), search-and-rescue services of Poland and Lithuania.

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Planning Conference of Joint Life-Saving Exercise Held in Kaliningrad

During the exercise to be held early Aug 2012 in the Baltic Sea, the participants will practice rescuing of over 60 passengers and crewmen of a Polish "distressed" vessel.
Russia will be represented by a BF rescue tug and a helicopter, a patrol ship (Coast Guard, Kaliningrad Dept), and specialized vessels of Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (Kaliningrad).
Poland will dispatch two rescue ships, and a naval helicopter. Lithuania will send a rescue ship, patrol ship, and a helicopter.
As is planned, BF rescue tug and a helicopter together with foreign colleagues will practice rescuing "distressed" people on individual and collective life-saving appliances.
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