Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Harbor tug RB-42. Western Military District Press Service
One out of three new Project 90600 harbor tugs built in 2011 has arrived in Baltic Fleet (BF) Baltiysk Naval Base. Harbor tug RB-42 will join the base's auxiliary ship brigade. Two other tugs will be stationed in BF Leningrad Naval Base. By the end of 2012, two such tugs will be constructed for Russian Navy.

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Baltiysk Naval Base Received New Tug

Project 90600 tugs are used for towage and mooring operations in ports, harbors, and littoral zones, fire extinguishing, oil spill response, and other functions.
The ships were built by JSC Pella Shipyard (St. Petersburg) and have effectively finished sea trials late 2011. Among features of that harbor tugs are wide range of technical capabilities, powerful engine, economic feasibility, and operating convenience.
In the nearest future, it is planned to sign contracts for port service vessels (floating cranes and seagoing replenishment tankers) for Baltic Fleet.
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