Photo: Non-nuclear submarine St. Petersburg.

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USC to Test Diesel Submarine St. Petersburg

"Presently, SSK St. Petersburg is under experimental operation and will pass deep-sea trials in the current year", said the source of ITAR-TASS.
Earlier on, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Vladimir Vysotsky criticized the lead sub of Project 677. However, directors of USC do not share his opinion.
The submarine's designers from the Rubin bureau feel sanguine about Project 677 which is going to be reviewed in 2012 and then presented to the Navy command again.
Admiral Vysotsky pointed out that Russian Navy would not waive Project 667 Lada non-nuclear subs, all claims are related only to powerplant of the lead submarine.
"I used violent language regarding the lead sub St. Petersburg but not Project Lada in general", explained Vysotsky.
Project 667 lead sub is under trial operation at the moment. "Main problem of that submarine is powerplant", added the admiral.
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