Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Prior to the Submariners' Day, active bloggers of Russia's Far East for the first time visited one of Pacific Fleet (PF) diesel electric submarines.

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Far East Bloggers Visited Pacific Fleet Submarine

The guests had a detailed onboard tour. Activists of the Far East blogosphere went down into the sub's strength hull and walked fr om bows to stern. They were shown crew living conditions, control systems, armaments, propulsion, damage control facilities, life-saving equipment, and means of escape. In the end of onboard excursion, the guests were pleasantly surprised by traditional tea in the mess room wh ere they chatted and shared impressions. According to bloggers, what impressed them most was passing through narrow conning hatch, ergonomics and versatility of submarine's premises.
The diesel electric submarine headed by Capt 2 rank Yury Konkin has carried out many long-range cruises and paid numerous visits to foreign ports. The sub boarded by Vladivostok bloggers called at Japan twice and participated in international naval parade. Her crew won many Navy Commander's prizes including those for torpedo firing drills.
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