Photo: Ka-52.

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Defense Ministry Bought 140 Attack Helicopters Ka-52

"It's long relations what was important for us, since five- or seven-year long contract at the same time gives the opportunity to sign long-term contracts with supplying and assembling organizations. This is absolutely different economic model because it implies clear price formula. And when the price is clear, you can sustain it", said the director of Oboronprom.
Presently, the corporation and defense ministry jointly prepare several agreements on helicopter and engine manufacturing matters; by the way, the emphasis is placed on long terms of contracts. "This year, our joint work goes on well faster than in the past one. Now we're discussing supplementary agreement on Mi-35", pointed out Reus.
Helicopters for Russian Armed Forces are produced by JSC Russian Helicopters. Reportedly, the company was to deliver about 1,000 helicopters to the Russian military under the State Arms Program 2011-2020. Among them are Ka-52, Mi-28N Night Hunter, Ka-226, Ansat, Mi-35, Mi-26T2 etc.
As was reported early March 2012, Air Force and Air Defense base (Southern Military District, Krasnodar region) will receive a parcel of Ka-52 helicopters. Pilots are currently trained in Aviation Retraining Center (Torzhok, Tver region). One year ago, the Krasnodar air base received Mi-28N and Mi-8AMTSh helicopters.
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