Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Airborne assault and reconnaissance units of Pacific Fleet (PF) Marine Brigade headed by Col Igor Bushmin are holding parachute jumping drills. As is planned, the drills will last till the end of Apr 2012; about 1,500 marines are involved.

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Pacific Fleet Marines Practice Parachute Jumping

At first, marines passed ground training, studied parachute design and parachute packing methods. They had practiced jump elements on special simulators. After individual jumps fr om helicopters and An-26 transport aircraft, servicemen practiced night airborne assault with additional equipment including standard weapons.
Presently, marines improve their skills within units. After jumping, they accomplish various defensive and offensive tactical tasks.
Servicemen of PF special force started parachute drills as well. They jump with full outfit and arms on space-lim ited areas, on forestlands, day and night and in any weather. In the nearest time, PF seals will practice water parachute jumps.
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